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Bullet Proof your Fire Risk Mitigation

SENSOR is an investment in responsibility

SENSOR is a steadfast means of saving lives and upholding best practices in compliance. It’s widely known that tenants can tamper with or remove smoke alarms, posing a significant risk and raising compliance concerns. However, SENSOR provides a simple, reliable solution by offering real-time visibility into the operating status of all smoke alarms, including detection of tenant tampering. By installing SENSOR across your portfolio, asset managers can ensure a more consistent level of professional property care, demonstrate a commitment to safety, and ultimately save lives.

Testing of smoke alarms is remote and automated

Gone are the days of managing keys and arranging access to properties for smoke alarm testing. Thanks to SENSOR, testing becomes completely remote and automated, offering you convenience and reducing any hassle for your tenants. It gives you the flexibility to determine the frequency of smoke alarm testing throughout the year, and the best part is there are no additional fees involved. With SENSOR, you can save valuable time while ensuring the safety and compliance of your property portfolio.

A new level of confidence and tenant safety

Having SENSOR installed is like having a new assistant that looks out for you and ensures the well-being of your tenants while eliminating hassle and wasted time of existing compliance processes. You can rest easy, knowing that your tenants are living in a safer, fully compliant home every day of the year. Plus the easily accessible audit reports accessed via your SENSOR dashboard can be a valuable resource in the event of a fire-related issue in every property you manage, providing crucial data when needed.

Your headaches

Asset Managers are responsible for legislative compliance

Smoke alarm inspections generally only once a year

Alarms are invisible to Asset Managers for 364 days a year

Access issues with tenants are frustrating & time consuming

How do you put a ROI on saving lives? The safety of our clients means being compliant is so important.

Asset Manager, Sydney, Australia

Our Solutions

  • Automating your smoke alarm compliance

  • Smoke alarm vision 24/7, 365 days a year from your desk in real time

  • Manage by exception any smoke alarm and water leak tamper or fault notifications

  • No inconvenient onsite visits with remote testing

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Smart Home technology meets asset management

Asset Managers now enjoy a new level of automated compliance.
The Sensor Cloud software tells you if anything is wrong.
The Sensor Hub has a wireless connection to up to 20 detectors

Your connected and automated ecosystem of integrated cloud software and smart IoT devices

Simple data transfer to your core asset management software

  • Automated remote testing and audit trails
  • Asset register for all SENSOR devices auto created
  • Provide 24/7 evidence of your compliance
  • Automated work orders sent to your trade contractors
  • 5-year manufacture backed warrantys
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Real-time, risk-reduction remote access

  • Automated management of smoke alarm testing at intervals set by you

  • No need for property access for testing and compliance

  • Remote one-off testing whenever required

  • Add additional SENSOR IoT devices to any property, anytime, easily


  • Assurance and peace of mind that all smoke alarms are in place and connected

  • Manage by exception – action only required on non-compliance events

  • SENSOR systems stay live during loss of power (up to 48 hours)

  • Interconnected alarms – when one sounds they all sound


Why should you change?

So you can keep your clients safer

Sensor provides a safer home with continuous connection and tamper alerts

Create robust audit trails

Ensure your organisation is compliant 24/7 with remote testing and reporting

To free up your time

Until now managing smoke alarm compliance was a time consuming and often frustrating task