Technology brings efficiency to smoke alarm compliance in rental properties

Andrew Cox Sep 1, 2023

Australia averages a shocking 52 fire-related deaths every year according to statistics from the 

National Coronial Information System.

Reporting reveals there were 992 fire-related deaths in Australia between 2001 and 2019 - with 43.3% occurring while the resident was sleeping or resting.

In rental properties, it is the landlord who is responsible for installing working smoke alarms and ensuring that they are maintained.

South Australian legislation requires that smoke alarms complying with Australian Standard AS3786 be fitted to all Class 1 and 2 buildings including single dwellings such as detached houses, row houses, terrace houses, town houses, villas, flats and units.

In some situations smoke alarms need to be interconnected.

No one wants to risk the lives of their tenants. But most rental property owners are using smoke alarm systems that need to be physically inspected every year.

This is costly and time consuming - plus there is uncertainty around how long the inspection remains accurate, especially with older smoke alarms. 

Innovative new technology is now expected to bring sweeping change to the rental property industry with ‘smart’ smoke alarms that are connected, automated and self-monitoring. The system is set up to send an alert to property managers in the event of a malfunction or even tampering. 

This groundbreaking new system from Sensor Global uses the latest Internet of Things technology and is fully compliant with legislation. Smoke alarms in your property are connected to a hub and cloud software platform which provides real time 24/7 visibility of all devices.

Isn’t it time that you upgraded your smoke alarm to the smart Sensor Global system? 

New technology ensures landlords meet smoke alarm legislation